“Having more free time is likely more important for happiness than having more money.” Ashley Whillans, lead researcher at Harvard Business School Part-time work is a flexible arrangement which means working less than the full-time hours, usually by working fewer days per week. Employees are usually considered to be part-time if they commonly work fewer than 30 hours per week. For example, employees work schedule can consist of: • three days a week, 8-hour days, • five days a week, 4-hour days, • two days a week, 10-hour days, • any other distribution of hours they agree on. Part-time employees receive the same employment entitlements as full-time workers on a pro-rata basis. From the employee’s point of view, there is a number of factors to consider when looking at part-time rather than full-time employment. Employees might consider absolute income first, but there are other important factors involved: family time, overall stress and health, transportation costs etc.